Our mission is to spread the good news of the gospel of Jesus the Christ starting with our immediate surroundings - family, neighbors, community, and nation-until the gospel has covered the earth. And to make disciples of all nations of people who have confessed Jesus as Lord and Savior of Their life.

About Our Pastor
As a member of St. Matthew, Reverend Ford hit the ground running. He displayed an enormous level of zeal, intelligence, and giftedness. In March of 1999, Reverend Ford accepted the call to be a Sunday School teacher where his in-depth knowledge of the word could be easily noticed. Two months later, in May of 1999, Reverend Ford accepted the upward call to ministry.
As a young man who had a passionate love of the word of God and a level of dedication to ministry that confirmed his anointing and very few could parallel, Bishop Leonard personally took Reverend Ford under his wings and with his strong & compassionate leadership began to mentor and mold Reverend Ford to one day be able to pastor any congregation in the world.
Over the next few years, Reverend Ford continued his tireless and faithful service to the LORD and the Church where he was ordained as the Minister of Education
in 2001. He held many leadership positions, which in 2004 led him to be asked to fulfill the office of Interim Pastor at a local Church in the Coconut Grove community.
Upon returning to St. Matthew after that time of preparation, Reverend Ford continued to excel in ministry, and remained committed to the LORD, his pastor, and his church until the passing of his mentor and Father in the Ministry, Bishop Willie J. Leonard, Sr. in August 2013. And on November 6, 2013, according to God’s will, the St. Matthew Community Missionary Baptist Church family voted Reverend Willie F. Ford, Jr. as their new pastor.